Finding Movement During Isolation


Exercise and movement can provide powerful stress relief - something that many of us are in need of as we navigate the Stay Home, Stay Healthy order. In these times, the most important thing we can do is take of our mental and physical wellbeing. For those of us who find relief and joy in movement, the providers and staff at SageMED rounded up some of our favorite ways to stay active during social isolation, from exercise videos on Youtube to customizable home workout apps.

  • To stay active during the Stay Home, Stay Healthy order, Dr. Maiko Ochi has been using the Down Dog app. Down Dog is a yoga app that is totally customizable - you can choose the length of time, style of yoga, experience level, and identify any muscle groups you want to focus on. It’s perfect for those unfamiliar with yoga and experienced yogi’s alike!

  • Our office manager, Taylor, has been having a blast doing Youtube workouts from Chloe Ting. Her favorite is this full-body workout. She loves that the workouts get your heart rate up in a short amount of time, so it’s easy to fit workouts into her schedule.

  • Lorraine, the amazing SageMED billing manager, has been keeping up with her Bodyvera workouts. “Since the stay-at-home order came into effect, my Pilates instructor Tory has not been able to do in-person workouts. That’s when she started posting workout videos. Watching her videos makes me feel as though she’s in the room with me, targeting my areas of concern. I found that my favorite videos are her kitchen counter barre workouts.”

  • Dr. Kay Kim has been posting weekly Monday PT challenges on her Instagram! These videos are one exercise that will really activate your muscles, and offer a fun challenge to break up the monotony of at-home workouts (or keep you moving until your next zoom meeting).

  • Marrie Ketchum, SageMED’s therapist and amazing nutrition coach, has been doing squats between visits. Squats are great because you can do them in between work meetings to get your heart rate up. Marrie recommends doing 20 jump squats and 20 regular squats. Lower-body workouts are perfect when you only have a little bit of free time, because they get your heart rate up faster than other bodyweight exercises by activating large muscle groups. Squats offer an easy way to get a quick mental and physical refresh. If you need a demonstration of how to properly do a squat, click here.


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