Looking to Have Healthy, Radiant Skin? Look No Further than the SkinPen


Aging is a natural process, but so much of how our skin ages is dependent on how we care for it. Skin elasticity and vitality can of course be helped through a proper skincare routine, a healthy diet, adequate hydration, and daily use of sunscreen, but sometimes regular skincare isn’t enough to give you the clear, smooth skin you’re looking for. That’s where the SkinPen® can help.

The SkinPen® is the first FDA approved microneedling device. This microneedling treatment is effective for reducing fine lines and wrinkles, reducing pore size, and treating pock-marked acne scarring and hyperpigmentation. Treatments help patients have a smooth and even-toned complexion and restore skin vitality. 

Who Is A Good Candidate for SkinPen® Treatments?

Healthy adults over the age of 22 with any skin type are typically excellent candidates for SkinPen® treatments. Patients with pockmark acne scarring, hyperpigmentation, and fine lines/wrinkles are ideal candidates. Patients with autoimmune or heart conditions should speak to their doctor to determine if SkinPen® treatments are safe for them. 

How It Works

The SkinPen® stimulates the body’s natural healing processes by delivering controlled micro-injuries to facial tissue. When the skin senses it is “injured,” your body begins a healing cascade. First, the skin becomes slightly inflamed, signaling your body to disinfect the wounds and begin the process of generating new tissue. Your body then sends collagen and growth factors to the affected area. These factors essentially remodel the skin & scar tissue, resulting in smoother, more even-toned skin. 

The Procedure

Before treatment, the face is cleansed thoroughly to remove all makeup and oil. A topical numbing cream is then applied evenly to the skin, and given 15-20 minutes to take full effect. Once the skin is numb, the face is again cleansed, this time using rubbing alcohol to disinfect the skin in conjunction with removing the numbing cream. The SkinPen® treatment will then begin, with the depth of the microneedling device being adjusted depending on each patient’s unique facial tissue. The treatment typically takes 30-45 minutes from start to finish. 

What to expect after the treatment?

Following the treatment, the most common side effects are redness of the treatment area, pinpoint bleeding, and mild peeling in the days following the procedure. Beginning day 3 post-procedure, patients can return to their normal skincare and makeup routines. As the body generates new, resurfaced skin cells in the weeks following treatment, the reduction in scarring, hyper-pigmentation and fine lines is apparent.*  The SkinPen® offers a quick recovery time with minimal side effects and effective, easy-to-follow post care instructions. 

How Many Treatments are Needed?

SkinPen® treatment protocols are as unique as the patients we treat - the number of treatments required depends on each patient’s goals and individual facial tissue. That’s why I offer a free consultation for patients, to answer any and all questions they may have about the SkinPen® treatment and determine a treatment protocol that fits the needs and goals of each unique patient. 

Call SageMED today to book your free SkinPen® consultation with Dr. Hilla Asadi. 


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