
Collagen P.I.N.® Microneedling

The The Collagen P.I.N.® is an FDA-cleared microneedling device, designed to treat even severe acne scarring. The Collagen P.I.N.® creates micro-injuries in the skin, stimulating your body's natural healing response. Your body's healing mechanisms essentially remodel the scar tissue while maintaining your skins natural structure. The Collagen P.I.N.® is a safe and highly effective treatment for acne scarring, with over 93% of clinical study participants recommending Collagen P.I.N.® treatments. 

The Collagen P.I.N.® uses an advanced 36-PIN needle system, which delivers less drag on patient skin to minimize discomfort and maximize treatment results.

The number of treatments required varies depending on the skin texture and desired results of each individual patient - which is why we offer a free consultation to discuss if the Collagen P.I.N.® is right for you.


Collagen P.I.N.® Microneedling is provided by:

Microneedling Results

| Before |                                                                                          | After 3 treatments |                                                                   | After 5 treatments |

| Before | | After 3 treatments | | After 5 treatment |