Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy is a highly effective
non-invasive treatment for patients with Major Depressive Disorder.

TMS is designed to treat patients for whom antidepressant medications have been ineffective in relieving symptoms.

About TMS

How TMS Works
In the brain, brain cells called neurons communicate with one another through electrical impulses, known as firing. Patients with Major Depressive Disorder have been shown to have areas of the brain with reduced electrical activity. Through a focused magnetic coil, TMS therapy rapidly pulses a magnetic field to targeted areas, stimulating the brain's electrical activity. Numerous studies support the efficacy of TMS treatments in treating depression and relieving patients of their depressive symptoms. 2 out of 3 patients report positive response or full remission of symptoms. Unlike many cutting-edge treatments for depression, TMS is billable to insurance.

Treatment sessions typically occur 5 days per week for 6 weeks, with each treatment session lasting approximately 20 minutes. After this six week period, 6 sessions are then completed in a 3 week period to conclude the course of TMS treatment.

Potential Side Effects
TMS therapy has few adverse effects - clinical studies have shown the primary side effects to be mild to moderate scalp sensitivity and mild headaches, both of which are typically short-term.

Is TMS Right for You?
If you are interested in finding out if TMS therapy is right for you, we
encourage you to schedule an initial visit with Dr. Deichert to discuss the treatment and address any questions or concerns you may have. 


Most insurances cover TMS therapy once prior authorization criteria is met. Please note that Medicare does not cover TMS therapy, and TMS therapy is not covered by United Healthcare at SageMED.

TMS: The Process

This video gives a quick overview of how TMS stimulates increased neural activity (brain function) to treat medication-resistant depression, and helps you visualize what the treatment itself is like.


From Our Patients


TMS Testimonials

Prior to starting services at SageMed, in Oct. 2019, my mental wellness had reached an all-time low. I’ve struggled with periodic depression for nearly over 2 decades, taking anti-depressant medication for most of the past 11 years, changing type and dosage a few times along the way due to decreases in effectiveness over time.

When I walked into Dr. Deichert’s office for my first appointment, I was a mess - for me that looked like constant thoughts of death and suicide, all-consuming self-loathing, and seeking artificial emotional jumpstarts (shopping, in my case)… After several months of crucial medication adjustments, he introduced me to the concept of TMS, a method used to treat medication resistant depression… TMS was a game-changer and life-saver for me…

The healing I experienced through TMS combined with a closely managed medication regimen, has resulted in a new level of functionality and contentment. Before waking into SageMed and experiencing the holistic care of its practitioners, I didn’t even know it was possible to feel like I do now.

— LT