Environmental Allergies


Environmental allergies are very common, and can be incredibly frustrating to deal with. Utilizing minimally invasive skin testing with 60 allergens found here in the Pacific Northwest, SageMED providers are able to identify a wide range of environmental allergies.


Once identified, our practitioners follow the Allergy Easy protocol. AllergyEasy is a type of immunotherapy which utilizes sublingual (under the tongue) drops. Like allergy shots, AllergyEasy delivers a small amount of allergens into your body, allowing your body to build up a natural immunity, but without the hassle or ongoing cost of weekly injections. Immunotherapy doesn't mask the symptoms of allergies, but instead treats the root cause, so you can say goodbye to allergies for good. Unlike traditional allergy shots, AllergyEasy drops are shipped directly to you, allowing you to use them in the convenience of your own home. Clinically, AllergyEasy drops have proven to be 83% effective, meaning that 83% of patients who choose to utilize AllergyEasy are completely free of allergies post-treatment. AllergyEasy is a safe, cost-effective treatment with proven results.