Supplements: Are All Brands the Same?

Patient’s frequently ask if there’s a difference between the supplements we sell and those you can buy at big box stores - and the answer is a resounding YES! There is typically a stark difference in the quality of ingredients and in the reliability of the supplements. Let’s explain why. 

Supplements are not regulated by the FDA, which means that there can be stark differences between high-quality supplements and low-quality supplements. Here at SageMED, we primarily use WiseMEDs supplements, which are made using high-quality pharmaceutical grade ingredients (such as grass-fed beef to create our collagen peptides), and undergo quality testing to ensure that the ingredient quality is up to snuff. 

Many supplement manufacturers do not test their products. Non-reputable supplement companies often sell their products at a low cost, however these supplements can contain little or none of the substance listed on the bottle - really! Several studies, such as this one,  have found that many over the counter supplements have discrepancies between what is on the label and what is actually in the supplement, highlighting the importance of purchasing supplements from a reputable source that tests their product. 

In addition to recognizing the important distinction between doctor-recommended supplements and generic store-bought supplements, it’s equally vital to know the primary nutrient deficiencies in the U.S.

Top 5 Nutrient Deficiencies & High-Quality Supplements to Address Them:

  1. Vitamin D

    1. Vitamin D3 K2, in either capsule or liquid form. Combining D3 and K2 helps to increase absorption and support proper calcium deposition in your bones.

  2. Omegas

    1. Ultra Omega

      1. Offers a 3x greater absorption rate than equivalent doses of ethyl ester fish oil. Optimizing omega levels has numerous health benefits, including supporting cardiovascular health, promoting healthy brain function, and healthy glucose and insulin metabolism. Omega-3 Fatty acids also play an important role in the body’s natural anti-inflammatory processes. 

    2. Mini Omegas

  3. Magnesium

    1. Optimized Magnesium

    2. Neuro Calm Magnesium in powder or capsule form

    3. Wise Calcium and Magnesium

  4. Zinc

    1. Optimized Zinc

  5. B-Vitamins

    1. Complete Methylation

      1. Complete methylation provides key b vitamins that have been methylated, and are in their active state. This allows for quicker and easier absorption.

    2. Activated B Complex


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How Do Collagen Peptides Work?