5 Easy Ways to De-Stress at Home

  1. Take a hot Epsom salt bath. Just 15 minutes of soaking will make you feel more relaxed. For a standard size bathtub, about 2 cups of Epsom salt is plenty. If you have any essential oils on hand, put in 5 drops for added aromatherapy benefits! Lavender is always a favorite for stress and anxiety!

  2. Get a workout in. There’s never been any doubt that working up a sweat causes a reduction in anxiety. Right now you can find a lot of apps that are offering free or discounted prices to keep you moving while staying at home. Here’s a pretty good list to get you started. The one I have been enjoying is DownDog app . They have yoga, HIIT, Barre, and 7 min workouts. They are all FREE until April 1st for the general public, and FREE until July 1st for students and teachers.

  3. Meditate. We now have studies that meditation can help ease anxiety in stressful situations. Again, a lot of companies are offering free or reduced prices for their apps. Headspace is free to download and if offering a free section called “weathering the storm” right now to help in this stressful time. 

  4. Make a healthy meal. Include your family or loved ones who are also at home with you. Make it a fun experience to use items you have on hand and be creative! The Food Network has a free trial on their app for cooking at home with live classes from chef’s.

  5. Ignore stressful posts on social media and limit your time watching the news. It’s OK to stay informed, but try to avoid constant news streaming on the TV and browsing social media all day.  It’s easy to get caught up in the hysteria right now and this only heightens your own stress and anxiety. If you find yourself constantly watching for updates, try any of the above 4 recommendations to divert your attention!


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