Top 5 Best Coffee Alternatives


Here in Seattle, coffee is a household staple. But coffee isn’t the right choice for everyone - some might dislike the flavor, or coffee might have too much caffeine for them, leaving them feeling like they’re bouncing off the walls. Whatever your reason for wanting some good coffee alternatives, we’ve made a list to help you find the the perfect substitute.

1. Matcha Green Tea

Not only is matcha green tea a delightful alternative to coffee, but it also provides an opportunity for a few minutes of mindfulness during your morning routine. Traditionally, matcha is an integral part of a tea ceremony that encourages reflection on harmony, grounding oneself in the present moment, and expressing gratitude for the here and now. I like to honor this tradition by immersing myself in the sights, sounds, and scents around me while preparing my matcha latte.

To prepare matcha, simply scoop some into your mug or a bowl, then add a cup of hot water or milk if you prefer a matcha latte. Whisk the matcha into the liquid until a light foam forms on top, and voila! Your matcha green tea is ready to savor.

2. Mushroom Coffee

If you've never tried mushroom coffee, you're missing out on a unique and increasingly popular coffee alternative. Although it may raise some eyebrows at first, Four Sigmatic's Mushroom Coffee has won over quite a few skeptics, including some of our doctors at SageMED. This mushroom coffee comes in convenient single-serving packets, making it a quick and hassle-free beverage option. Moreover, it's vegan and compliant with the Whole30 diet.

3. Black Tea

Black tea offers a delightful way to get your caffeine fix, with a wide variety of options to explore. Some of my personal favorites include English Breakfast Tea, Earl Grey, and Herbal Chai. The world of black tea is incredibly diverse, so I recommend paying a visit to a local tea shop where you can engage with knowledgeable staff to discover different tea varieties and their flavors. Personally, I adore Miro Tea in Ballard, but a quick Google search can help you find the nearest tea shop in your area.

4. Green Tea

For those seeking a lower caffeine alternative to coffee, green tea is an excellent choice. Much like black tea, there is a wide range of green tea varieties to choose from. My personal preference is Jasmine tea, although Tazo's Zen tea offers a refreshing and subtle green tea option enjoyed by many of our patients.

5. Rooibos Tea 

Rooibos tea is a South African caffeine-free delight and happens to be my personal favorite. Sipping Rooibos tea brings back fond memories of my family's origins. To mimic the rich, creamy texture of coffee, I prepare a Rooibos latte with hemp milk, steering clear of the caffeine-induced headaches. I usually purchase my Rooibos tea from Miro Tea, but it's also readily available in most grocery stores for your convenience.

In a city that thrives on coffee, it's reassuring to know that there are ample alternatives to explore, each with its own unique charm. Whether you're on a quest to reduce your caffeine intake, yearning for different flavors, or simply looking for a change, these options offer a delightful departure from your regular cup of joe.


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